Thursday, April 7, 2011

Farewell Yongseo Couple

Goodbye Yongseo couple. I have to admit in the begining it was a little painful to watch at first. With the awkwardness and how they didn't seem to click in the first place. I know it's for a show that's why they kept trying and trying but along the way, you could see how they slowly changed each other. Seohyu used to hate guys rmbr? and people were always saying how she was so emotionless, well Yonghwa seemed to have changed that. And look at Seohyun being all cute and playing and teasing him, don't ever remember seeing this side of her. Always thought she was so serious and goody goody. Learnt to love them as a couple. And Yonghwa, has his serious, nice, caring moments which really makes me go awwww. Totally wouldn't mind marrying a guy like Yonghwa.

Throughout the show, I can slowly witness their relationship developing and progressing. All the things they have done for each other, those neede effort and bloddy hell lot of time. The scarves, the notebooks with pictures and scribblings, the prepartions for the songs, their love duets and performaces together. Awwww.

I really didn't want this couple to end, its so beautiful, so much more than any other dramas I have watched. At the end you can tell that they really didn't want this to end as well and urgggh, watching Seohyun cry, and eventually coming back to give him a hug was just.....

This has been the most real relationship I have watched progressing on television. And its Seohyun's first relationship with a boy, its gonna be so precious to her. I wished they didn't have to end, just continue dating forever. They dont have to be on WGM, but secretly and everything. And thanks to WGM, I've grown to love CN blue much more too. :D

Let's have a litte spam to celebrate this awesome couple.

Yong Seo is offically my favourite WGM couple ever. Stanning this forever. Never thought I would cry watching WGM, but I did, it was so so so sad. :(


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