Thursday, February 2, 2012

Girls Generation make you feel the heat

So, Girls Generation has been storming the USA these days.

First appearing on Letterman,

And then on Live with Kelly.

I feel so proud and all teary when I watch this. It's not embarrassing and they were totally rocking it. There were both negative comments and positive ones all over social media. Either you hate them or you love them. Well at least we know Daniel Radcliffe and Kelly Ripa adored them.

(Couldn't find the video but it is said in the comments of this video)

Congratulations to SNSD, taking the world by storm! Please please don't flop in the USA.


P/s: USA loves Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and apparently Jessica!

P/s/s: Time to go back and join in the fan party!

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