Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy birthday Kim Taeyeon!

Happy Birthday to our very precious kid leader!
Over these years, you've evolved from a cute little girl with a great loud voice, to a mature young lady, still with the ever-awesome voice that never once fail to blow everyone away.

I really miss those chinchin days where u were so lovely and cute with kangin. Your overwhelming dorky-ness has captured so many hearts. Those super weird-but-adorable actions it what makes you so special (at least i feel so!! haha!).

Well, the cute you has long gone, but you are still amazing as ever!

sexy and hot taeng!~

Im impressed by how you put in 200% effort everytime you are on stage, and is always working hard towards perfection. Also, thank you for leading the girls towards this 'world domination'.

Continue to inspire people, looking forward to more amazing achievements from you tete!

Lastly, Happy Birthday!

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