Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kpop facebook promotion

Hello everyone!

Ever find yourself getting tired of listening to the same artists or the same songs over and over again? Well here is a facebook application which allows you to discover more Kpop songs and introduces you to more artists.

How? Just click on START NOW and it directs you to a random kpop video. And there is a POP NEXT button to direct you to the next random music video.

Why I like it? It really does let me discover more KPOP music which I can enjoy. Like I never thought I would enjoy songs by a certain artiste so much. However songs are really random so it is not only recent songs that get picked. For kpop newbies this is a plus point to discover older awesome kpop songs. Right now I'm lsitening to SNSD's Baby Baby. ;)

Well if you are interested to check out this app here is the link to the Kpopper Application.

Thank you to Derek for sharing this application with us.

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