Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flashmob in Sweden

Hello everyone!

Our friends over in Sweden sent us a video of them doing a Flash Mob!

Do check it out, it really looks quite fun! Love the selection of songs and the enthusiasm! and it's quite a pretty big crowd. And it's the awesome land of Sweden. Imagine having Kpop inspired IKEA furniture, or KPOP inspired H&M clothes. :D OMGOSH. Hopefully it will inspire more people from the rest of the globe to show your support for Kpop!

Thanks to this video, I've started youtubing other kpop flashmobs around the world, you know how addictive youtube can be. And I've seen videos from all around the world, Peru, Australia, Prague, Germany and the list goes on. Some people do it for a special cause (ie, SM TOWN in PARIS) or some just to spread the love and show their support. Whatever it is, their efforts are commendable.

As a Kpop fan, I'm just really happy that Kpop is starting to spread all around the world. On tumblr and stuff, I've seen confessions about people being ashamed of liking Kpop of being bashed for it. So what if Korean Pop happens to be an Asian product, we should not be afraid to share good music, oogle at handsome guys and enjoy their infectious dance moves. Not only the good music, but Kpop has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life.

What is awesome about Kpop and these celebrities, is that you can see the hard work and effort they put into each and every performance, their genuine heartfelt thanks to their fans, their humble demeanor despite their star status, and on top of all that, the ability to still be dorky and adorable. Watching their shows and performances cheer me up and motivate me to work harder.

I can say we here at Super-Kpop are proud to be part of this amazing fandom.

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