Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Leeteuk is going to the Army

Following in fellow members Kangin and Heechul's footsteps, Leeteuk is going to join the army soon.


It will be 2 years before we meet again, amazing leader of the amazing Super Junior.

Leeteuk has been such an important part of Super Junior, as the one who leads them on, as the one who sweet talks his way out of everything, the one who brings the average of Super Junior up.

I will miss this guy too, just like I missed Kangin and Heechul. I am really glad they are together as a group, so if one joins the army, there is still the rest of them for support and love.

Leeteuk oppa, him nae se yo!

Thank you for leading Super Junior all this while and for taking care of the members, for taking care of us ELFs.

We will be waiting for your return.

For when you return, our love will be like you never left.

I bet you will be still sexy, free and single maybe?


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