Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Only One - BoA

I've been listening to BoA's new album for some weeks now, and what i can really say is that I'm really thankful for this album. Especially for the title track "Only one", it is too precious for the current kpop scene which is "infested" with genric autotuned dance tracks.

I was even more amazed when i learned that this song was self-composed and self penned by BoA herself! It's a gem. With the strong dance moves (and her very soft & innocent style!) by BoA, this comeback is perfect. However, its quite a shame that this song did't do as well as it deserves, thanks to the whole Gangnam shit (like seriously?).

Anyway, BoA really lives to inspire others. The effort and dedication she puts into her work is really really really impressive.I think this isn't the first time we did a post on how we are inspired and motivated by her. Haha! Truth is, i get so touched and inspired by her whenever i watch a video of her. She is just a pure living legend.

Well she might be goddess-like in most of our eyes (like, there's nothing BoA can't do), watching her recent interview made me realised that BoA is in fact a normal human being like us.In the interview, she is like this innocent and humble puny little girl who wants to show the world what she has got.

In short, she is REAL. And for her, like us, there are also times where loneliness kicks in and hands from every where trying to push you off the edge. I guess what we really gotta to learn from her is to keep trying and do your very best! Never give up! Everyone has a chance to shine, if you don't give up.

From debut till today, BoA has indeed came a long way. Watch her comeback special interview below and tell us what you think!
(She's so gorgeuos by the way!!!!)

Part 1

{BoANOSS}120728 BoA SBS Comeback Show 4354 Part... by boanoss

Part 2

{BoANOSS}120728 BoA SBS Comeback Show 4354 Part... by boanoss

Ohoh, Mayday!Mayday! is also one of my next favourite song on the list. Buy her album if you havent! :)


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