Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We Got Mail!

We got mail again!

This time our friend Ariel, who was one of our lucky winners for our previous giveaways, have sent us in a flashmob video!

Check it out here!

I'm glad you finally achieved your dream of wanting to do a kpop flash mob! Sure sounds like you had pretty good fun!

We love your video! The dancing was absolutely fantastic and I love the vibrant choice of colours your dancers are wearing except one tiny problem, we can only see part of the dance mob! It would have been perfect if you got a full view of everyone dancing! But we still think it is awesome!

Do continue to spread the kpop love! :D

On a side note,

Our friends all the way over at Atlanta are having a Kpop party and they invite you to it!

It's going to be held at TakoBar, 818 Juniper StreetAtlanta, Georgia 30308.

Be their facebook friend to get in FREE before 11pm!

More details about the party can be found here!

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