Saturday, September 11, 2010


Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile

Doreen: Honey (Perfect For You) by SNSD. You just can't sing or listen to that song when you are frowning, its just so sweeeet. I tend to listen all of snsd's bubble gummy song from their first album to perk me up. ( FYI, i love Baby Baby album like hell and you should go get a copy of it because u know that u like bubble gummy songs too. Its like magic. Get a copy from super-market now!)

ShuYan: Gee, the version by Super Junior. Everytime I hear Heechul go Babo or "I go Hee, You so Sica. Hee~ SHICAAAAA!" I will just automatically smile. Its just too adorable and precious.

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