Saturday, September 4, 2010


Day 7: A K-pop song that made you cry

Shuyan: I have never cried listening to a Kpop song. Kpop songs don't exactly make me very sad either cause 1) wont understand lyrics until I check it up. 2) Don't really dig the whole r/ship stuff that kpop groups sing about. But the only song where I could feel the emotions is not really a Kpop song, but its by a Kpop band. Its Eternal by DBSK. The lyrics and the soul they put into singing the song just touched me very much.

Doreen: Don't Forget by Baek JiYoung (IRIS OST) . I didnt exactly cry but listening to this song plus watching the show just totally breaks my heart. Its a song with simple lyrics and melody, but packed with strong of emotions . Another song that i would choose would be Without A heart by 8eight. Sometimes, i just wished that i don't have a heart altogether.

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