Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling

Doreen: Yo! erm.....Onew? He is like so blur to the max that you would want to protect him. and also pinch is face whenever he gives that cute eyesmile! Awwe, come here, noona sayang you...~ (eh, he is older than me! LOL!)

ShuYan: Jung Yoogeun, you know, that baby from SHINee's Hello Baby? I want that cutie to be my little brother! It would be lovely to have somebody that adorable running around in the house, some little boy to play with and bring out. Can also how off to the world what an adorable brother I have. :) While bringing him out to pay can also meet cute SHINee boys who love boys like Yoogeun.

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